Thursday, February 17, 2011

Could you teach me how to Guido?

Guido is a slang term for a lower-class or working-class urban Italian-American. Originally used as a demeaning term for Italian-Americans in general. More recently its used to describe Italians who conduct themselves as thugs with an overtly macho attitude. Although Italians self identify as "Guido" it’s still considered a derogatory term. Clothing associated with Guidos including gold chains, saint medallions shirts such as Plain Ts, muscle shirts and Leather Jackets. Hair style Includes slicked black hair in form of a pompadour, blowouts and fauxhawks usually heavily gelled. Many times on the television show Jersey Shore is it demonstrated that the “Guido Fist Pump” is the only way to look cool while dancing. Many Guidos  take pride in personal fitness and having a good body with a very distinctive tan.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Bad Situation

Michael Sorrentino or also known as the Situation is one of the key components of the Jersey Shore cast, although there are 8 main characters, the Situation stands out, he gets a lot of attention and makes himself stick out through drama and taking his shirt off. As a person, he hasn't attended college and when he applied for the Jersey Shore cast he was unemployed. He has been accused of steriod useage which makes him a very bad rolemodel for children. He has admited to strength enhancing substances, which are usable in sports but discouraging and should be avoided. He also shows extreme jeliousy in the show and tends to talk behind his friend's back. He is constantly commenting on his "Bros" poor choice in girls and that all the ones they hook up with are grenades. His name is Ronnie, but you can probably call him Sloppy Joe. - The Situation. He has developed a book that is solely based around his Ab workouts and how they have helped him obtain women. He has embarrised him self on live televison numerious times on numerious talk shows,and im not entirly sure he knows that he has.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bad Romodels "Oh Yeah"

Normally you would think its impossible for adults to act like twelve year old all the time, maybe every now and then you act a little immature, but all the time? The entire cast of Jersey Shore shows no more responsibility than a twelve year old. Pauly D, The Situation and Ronnie going to the club, getting wasted, bringing back grenades to the pad, and doing the dirty with them. That's what are kids watch in their spare time are watching. They're watching Eight very rude Italian ADULTS argue about who's turn it is to wash the dishes, or laundry, ext. To add to the immaturity level two of the cast mates have cheated on previous relationships with current cast members, and acted like it was no big deal. "I really don’t want to cheat, like seriously, I don’t want to.. but if you’re gonna hand me a bottle of friggin’ SoCo, something just comes over me, like I just go crazy." - Snooki. If that doesn't ice the cake there is more, the entire show is based upon the guys being very rude and obnoxious about themselves and the girls looking like idiots and sluts through the things they do. People Idolize these fools, dream they could live this life, but it makes no sense, they’re the epitome of idiocy and the best part is they have no idea, they think there perfectly cool.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jersey Shore and Why its horrible for our Youths.

Jersey Shore, many would consider it a very humorous TV show that they put on the top of their DVR list. It’s a TV show that depicts the life of 6 party going adults that make out life to be one large joke. The main characters are all very irresponsible people whom have very little purpose in life other than starting drama, getting laid, getting wasted, and being horrible role models for our generation. My little cousin who is 9 years old is watching this show on MTV and all her friends love it and talk about how that is what they want to do when they get older. Do we really want our daughters to grow up to be skanky trash that is constantly made fun of and develop alcoholism? Do we really want our sons to be very disrespectful to women, lazy and develop mild cases of Narcissism? Its bad enough as it is with the economic system spiraling downward and more and more of society is looking for a handout. Do we really want our future thinking that life is one large party mixed in with sex, steroids, vodka and drama? Or would we like to raise our youths to benefit the country in a positive way. Jersey Shore shows no production the only lesson learned in the entire thing is what not to do and sadly our youths don’t look at it that way, the popular reality show should be exclusive to adults or taken off the network completely. Not to mention it makes our country seem like trash when foreigner watches it I’d imagine the first thing that comes to mind is “So this is what trash head Americans do”. That’s a terrible Icon to brand our country and we should be setting the standard not demeaning it!
Idiots at their best \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/