Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Various blogs find it simple to bash the distasteful things that go on during the show and poke fun at the foolish characters such as Snooki and Ronnie and Mike, not to many blogs promote the Jersey Shore, except of course the MTV blog which would naturally promote their show

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Drama Beats, Drama Beats, Drama Beats

Who do you think starts the most drama on the Jersey Shore? - Ronnie, of course.

Do you think Jersey Shore is a good show? - Its entertaining but not a good show to watch.

Have you ever actted like the cast from Jersey Shore? - People say I act like Sammi

Have you ever quoted someone from Jersey Shore? - Yes all the Time

If you could watch a marathon of Jersey Shore, would you? - No because I've already seen all the episodes.

Do you find the cast of Jersey Shore disrespectful? - Yes I do, because they all act like Idiots

Do you find the cast of Jersey Shore attractive? - Pauly D and Vinne only, the rest are nasty

If you had a Grenade Whistle would you use it? - Hell ya, I'd use it all the time

Whats your favorite part about Jersey Shore? - The Cast's accents

Which male charicter is most vain? - The Situation, duh.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pauly D, the Double Agent.

In the entire Jersey Shore house, there is one character who shoes a moderate amount of intelligence, Pauly D. He realizes that this fame is a temporary thing and he attempts to keep drama on a low. The rest of the cast acts as if they’re the center of the world, although I’d imagine while being influenced by crude behavior from his peers, Pauly tries to retain some of the class and manners he grew up with. As viewed in the show Mike, Ronnie and Vinny have very little respect for women, where as Pauly seems to give them all a chance before he judges, as with Jwow. They had a fling and he gave her the benefit of the doubt in season one, but after he got to know her and how annoying and drama prone she was, that’s when it started to break off. In the Jersey Shore high school interview special it showed the High school lives of Mike, Paul and Jenny. Mike described his high school experience as him essentially being a douche to girls and other guys at school and overall prankster. Jenny, one of the queen bee social centers who was full of herself. Pauly D apparently got good grades for his Ma, he was appreciative and respectful, except for the motorcycle he had parked in the living room (So nobody would steal it or scratch it) and essentially he was a good kid. Sometimes when the other guys do distasteful things and creep at the clubs he seems annoyed with the way they act, like they all have this narcissist attitude to them and he realizes that once their show is over, so will the money, the girls and the fame.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lookout for Grenades.

On the TV show the male characters describe distasteful females as "Grenades". They have a large red horn that they sound off when one of the guys comes home with an ugly girl, or the Female characters come home with friends who are considered ugly. Someone blows the grenade whistle, or the girls are called grenades and all in all its really derogatory towards women in general. I’m sure females watching the show appreciate how these guys treat women, like trash. The girls on the show probably don’t enjoy being treated this way either. That brings me to my next observation, how to woman stay around people that act that way, you’ve got this man treating you with no respect and insulting you and most of the time they still sleep with them or still hang around them, Its ridiculous. Our youths watch a television show where it glorifies being a slob and acting like an asshole, and the sad part is they get paid for it. Kids probably feel like these people are living the good life, when this would probably never happen unless you were famous like these people, once their 15 minutes of fame is up, it won’t matter what happens to them nobody will care but at the moment these eight people are some of our youths biggest role models and they act like Neanderthals. It also shows girls to be inferior, like if they see men bullying them during their life time, they will never learn to stick up for their selves or earn self respect either. Every time I hear someone say “Grenade” and they are referring to a female, my eyes twitch because I realize how disgusting and derogatory it really is."Hey Mike, its like the grenade's flow to you like a magnet" - Pauly D